Canine Color Services

Pet Selection Counseling: $80

Human & Pet Personality Test: $80

Animal Caregiver Workshop: $1000

Pet Selection Counseling
Looking for help finding the right dog for your home. Work Together with our Canine Color Certified Coach & Team Leader and let us help you find the perfect dog for you and your family. Whether you are looking to find the right Breed for your family, or looking to find the best Rescue dog for your family, we are here to help!

Human & Pet Personality Test
Trouble Bonding with your dog? Or Maybe trouble figuring out what motivates your dog to learn new things? Let our Canine Colors Certified Coach & Team Leader help you figure out what is the best way to train your dog!

Animal Caregiver Workshop
Are you leading a team of people who work and care for animals? Do you see extreme turnover in your staff? Or maybe you just are always trying to work against burnout! Let our Canine Colors Certified Coach & Team lead help you and your staff. We would love to bring you this fun, exciting workshop. You and your staff are guaranteed to love it!

To schedule any of the Canine Colors Sessions, please email