Add-on Services

Water Woofers

We know how hard it can be to leave your best friend, even if it’s just for the day. We wanted to offer some addition fun and engaging activities for your pup while they’re staying with us! There’s tons of add-on for both you and your pup. From written report cards, pool pawtys with their best friends, and even training session to brush your pup up on some obedience skills - we’ve got activities for all sizes, breeds, and temperaments!

Knowing your pup is having tons of fun makes being away from them a little easier.

Activity Add-Ons

All add-on services can be added onto a dog’s boarding or daycare stay. Schedule at drop off or via phone or email!

One-On-One Fetch: $5

This will be a 10 minute Fetch session where your pup and one worker get a small area all to themselves! We are constantly playing with the pups, but this will give your pup some undivided attention where they get to play the game they love most!

Nap Time Enrichment: $5

Throughout the day your pup gets a couple of breaks where they get to just relax, and settle in their area all by themselves. For this add on, we will give them a stuffed kong, lick mat, or some other enrichment toy that they can have while they settle for their break time.

Ice Cream Date: $5

For those HOT SUMMER Days we highly recommend pampering your pet with a Pup Ice Cream. They can enjoy this during one of their break times as well!

Cuddle Session: $5

This will be a 10 minute Cuddle session where your pup will get the undivided attention of one of our workers here at camp! We are constantly loving on them and giving them attention, but of course there are always lots of pups around! This will be done in an area where they are the only pup, and can get ALL THE ATTENTION THEY WANT!

Paparazzi: $5

This will be a 10 minute Paparazzi session where one worker will follow your pup around while they enjoy camp. We'll post a special spotlight social media post revolving around your pup!

Report Card: $5

Do you want to know your dog's best friend of the day? Or, their favorite activity of the day? Or, their favorite human of the day? Add on a Report Card to receive a take home description of your pup's Hot Diggity day!

Water Woofer: $10

This add-on will only be available on Tuesdays! This will be a 20-30 minute session where your pup gets to play in a water area set up for those that love to splash and play in Sprinklers! This area will have a bubble machine, sprinkler/splash pad, and a small group of pups to play with!

Training Add-ons

All training services are provided by BARK University Training staff. Training add-ons can be scheduled for both daycamp and boarding stays.

Zen In The Pen - $10

Being crated does not have to be a stressful experience for your pup. Our trainers will spend ten minutes through the day transforming your pup’s negative feelings about the crate into positive ones. We will reward calm and quiet behavior with yummy treats. Over time, your dog will come to see the crate as a safe and relaxing space where good things happen. Improvement typically happens within five sessions.

Door Manners - $15

Does your pup charge through doors either here or at home? Let BARK University trainers help out! We will work with your dog for ten minutes a day on respecting boundaries by rewarding waiting in doorways for permission to cross. This is not simply a polite behavior, but more importantly a safety issue. This training will stop your pup from escaping through open doors or pulling you down. Our camp counselors will also help reinforce this behavior. We frequently see improvement after four sessions, especially if owners practice at home.

Trick of the Month Club - $15

Join our trainers to learn a fun trick every month! We will work with your pup for ten minutes a day to learn a trick that changes every month. Ask at the reception desk for this month’s trick. Many dogs learn a new trick in two sessions if you practice at home.

No Jumping - $10

Does your dog jump all over you and/or your visitors? Our trainers will work with your pup to learn polite ways to meet and welcome people. Trainers use multiple methods to encourage calmer behavior and reward sitting and waiting for engagement. Our camp counselors will also encourage politeness in the yard. With consistent reinforcement here and at home, you may see improvement after three sessions.

Academy Day - $55

Currently offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Slots are limited to 10 dogs per day. Price includes a full day of daycare

Academy is an enrichment based camp that focuses on a mix of education, fun sensory challenges, and smaller, more curated play groups. We want to offer a mix of physical and mental stimulation to help give dogs a well rounded social experience at camp! There are many proven benefits of enrichment helping promote calmer, more relaxed dogs. It also helps promote better problem solving and encourages dogs to remain calm in higher arousal situations. Each day includes structured group activities, enrichment time, one on one training sessions, a report card, solo playtime with staff and quiet time. All activities are planned ahead of time, so you can be sure to sign your pup up for their favorite activities! Academy days are posted on Bark University’s social media every day.

Tutoring Sessions - $95

Currently offered on Wednesdays. Slots are limited. Price includes a full day of daycare.

Does your dog need a brush up on their basic obedience skills? Drop your pup off for a full day of daycare and add on a 30 minute tutoring! During their session, a Bark University trainer will work on preselected obedience skills designated by the owner on their sign up forms. Owners will recieve short video clips of their dog’s tutoring session to see how their training went, as well as a report card and homework to work to help continue their education at home!