
Spa Day
Drop your pup off to a day of daycare and sign them up for a Spa Day on Tuesday July 16th!
Pups will recieve:
Paw Balm
All proceeds go to funding our staff’s trip to the Association of Professional Dog Trainer’s annual educational conference!

Talk Dog & Canine Colors Seminar
The first half of the seminar will cover how to “speak dog.” Ever wish your dog could speak to you? They are trying to communicate with you - we just don’t always know how to listen! In this half of our seminar, you will learn how to read the body language of dogs. Pretty soon you’ll be able to understand what your dog is trying to tell you!
The second part of the seminar is a personality assessment for you and your pup(s). Knowing both yours and your pup’s personality types will help you understand each other even more! We’ll go over how to teach and interact with your pup based on the combination of personalities in your home. Your dog(s)’ needs are often determined by their personalities. Understanding that will lead to a calmer and more fun home life!

4th of July Holiday
It's Indepawdence Day! Pawty in the U.S.A. Red White and Rufus!
We are almost BOOKED for 4th of July. We will have NO DAYCARE July 4-5 unless VIP or PRIORITY Package member. (member please remember to reserve your daycare days)
REMINDER!! If your pup has a firework or loud noise fear, don't forget their CHILL-OUT meds. Check with your vet ASAP if they need a prescription. Also, "Your CBD Store" in downtown Northport provides non-prescription canine calming options. Everyone have a puppin' good holiday. Have fun, be safe!